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B'Ham is Hot!

B'Ham is HOT!

After a recent visit to Birmingham, Alabama I can tell you it is HOT! Albeit, the temperature was very hot, but so were the neighborhoods that shape this charming southern community. Namely Avondale, Hollywood, Lakeview Design District, which is home to the Pepper Place Market, and Ross Bridge which is not only a community but a resort and shopping area.

The Lake View neighborhood hosts the Pepper Place Market, a former Dr. Pepper syrup production plant, which was the first stop on the tour. An eclectic group of historic manufacturing buildings house shops, restaurants, galleries and a farmers market. With emerging vibrant design & entertainment options, this downtown community is gaining quit a reputation locally and nationally with in the design industry.

Historic Avondale Park AmphitheaterThe first residents of the area were clustered around “Kings Spring” on the slopes of Red Mountain, now the site of Avondale Park. There was once a small skirmish near the spring when Union soldiers were watering their horses and Confederates fired on them, chasing them away. The wife of Jefferson County sheriff Abner Killough was struck by a stray shot while sitting on her porch. Her wound is believed to have been the only blood spilled in the county during the war. Today, Avondale Park has many fun and exciting events going on such as concerts and movies at the amphitheater, to Easter egg hunts and other holiday events.

The homes in Avondale are quaint, adorable bungalow style homes, traditional to the southeast region of the US. As most metropolitan areas have experienced an exodus of citizens to the suburbs, Avondale is no different. However, due to the evolving restaurants and design businesses entering the area, the popularity of the community has increased making it a destination neighborhood.

Saw's Soul Kitchen is located near Avondale Park. The atmosphere was true to a southern BBQ joint, however that is where the predictability ended. The food was outstanding!

The special had been recommend by a friend whom lives locally, so I thought "when in B-Ham… order the good stuff." So, it was the Pork & Greens special for me and my lunch companion. We tossed in an appetizer of wings to which both parties deemed the 'Best Wings' we've ever tasted award. It is a fact, after visiting Saw's, I will never be the same. Amazing!

They serve the special with a mystery White BBQ sauce, that could change your life, along with dill pickles and two slices of white bread for sauce soppin'.

Hollywood is yet another interesting neighborhood in the downtown area. The diversity shines through in the various styles of homes. The Mediterranean style is popular and is portrayed in a variety of different architectural features such as roof lines, doorways and windows.

And finally to the suburbs...

Ross Bridge has recently been developed in the suburbs of Birmingham and serves as a family community as well as a resort for visitors.

The History of Ross Bridge dates to 1858, when a Carolinian named James Taylor Ross was so struck by the beauty of the Oxmoor Valley that he settled here to farm and raise his family. During the Civil War, he allowed Southern forces to build a railway supply line through his land. Part of the construction was a massive stone bridge built to span Ross Creek. The weathered bridge still stands as a testament to perseverance.

Today, the area hosts newly constructed homes centered around a village with shopping, restaurants and entertainment. The Marriott Renaissance at Ross Bridge is located with in the community. Featuring the third-longest golf course in the world and lavish European Spa, it is the perfect place to settle in after sight seeing and touring the great city of Birmingham.

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